Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Lam-a-ma-fia (Five Card Flicker)

created by Stephen on Sep 23 2009, 05:49:17 am
Once upon a time there was a Russian lama mafia leader that went by the name of "The Dahli Lama" who ruled the streets and drug traffic of New York city. He achieved most of his objectives like taking out rival cartels and capturing territory's with the help of his elite task force made up of former KGB soldiers. There were many highly trained assassins out to get him, and after years and years of violence and crime he decided to end it via residing in Canada!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

English Assignment 09/04/2009

This summer I applied for Mcdonalds, got the job. This summer I also hung out with friends but didn't make any party's. On top of that we also made fires at the beach but they weren't big. We also went out to the beach and the water was really warm. I also went to Montreal at the start of the summer vacation but it was extremely boring. Other then all those things there wasn't much to do. One of the pastimes I enjoyed while on vacation was not going to the river. I made a couple friends but I didnt like any of them. Over all I think this summer was fun and that the best part was my trip to the eyedoctor. My dog had also bit a little girl unfortunatly we had to get rid of him.